Monday, October 6, 2008

Nice Trip Out of Town and Scheduled Dr.'s Appt.

Josh and I went to Ft. Smith yesterday afternoon to go shopping. We got Ryan a couple of Christmas presents and we got him a teddy bear Halloween costume. I put the head piece on Ryan last night and he looked absolutely precious (even more so than usual )! We were going to try to go to the new Target on the Pavilion Drive they were still adding stores to, but Target wasn't open yet. October 12th is when they open. We went back through Poteau as we always do, I hate going down 71 to get to Ft. Smith. Anyways, we stopped at the Poteau Wal-Mart so we wouldn't have to go to ours at home. They didn't have any maternity clothes whatsoever! I even asked! How do ya like that? Oh well, I'll just buy some out of a catalog or online. Josh and I got home fairly early (5PM) and picked Ryan up from his Grandma and Pop's house.

Ryan and I are getting over our colds finally! Josh somehow escaped getting this (lucky). I hate being sick, it just takes so much out of you and I can't think straight. Being pregnant I can't think straight anyways, so being sick on top of that just stinks.

I have my regular monthly check up at Dr. M's tomorrow afternoon. I am 18 wks. right now and I think they will schedule me an ultrasound tomorrow. I hope they can do it in 2 weeks from now...the sooner the better. We are so anxious to see if this baby is a boy or girl so we can start making some plans. I'm so excited for Ryan to be a big brother! It will be wonderful watching them grow up together especially since they will be so close in age. Ryan is so sweet and social already, I know he will love helping take care of his little brother or sister.